How to Remove Polyurethane From Wood Without Sanding

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Did you know that there are alternatives found in your kitchen and local hardware you can use to remove polyurethane without sanding the wood? And they’re simpler than you think!    

Polyurethane, when coated, becomes durable. So, these methods need chemicals to work, requiring you to be extra careful. To help you out, I’ve listed methods below and added precautions if needed. 

How to Get Rid of Polyurethane Without Sanding: 3 Methods

Method #1: Using a Paint Stripper

First things first, air out your space. I can’t stress this enough—paint stripper fumes are no joke. Suit up with gloves, a long-sleeve shirt, and a solid mask or respirator to keep those nasty chemicals at bay.

Items needed:

Step #1: Clear the Space

Clear out things that get in the way to avoid accidents and have a more fluid operation. Clean the surface of the wood of dust, and cover the floor with paper that will catch the spills. 

paint stripper on brown floor

Step #2: Use the Citrus Stripper

Shake the container. Coat the surface with citrus stripper thickly and evenly. The gel will become orange if you put enough along the surface.

Step #3: Allow for it to Dry

Unlike other paint strippers, citrus strip remains active for a day, allowing you to only to apply it once. 

Drying varies under different conditions, between 1-24 hours, so check it regularly. Patience is key here; let it fully dry to get the best results.

Step #4: Scrape the Poly Off

The compound reacting will peel the polyurethane layers off the wood. Then scrape it with a putty knife or a plastic scraper after. 

Reminder: If you use fillers or putty to seal pores and wood grains, make sure you know the drying time of wood putty or filler before you proceed with the subsequent steps.  

scraping polyurethane

Step #5: Wash Away

You can simply spray soap and water if you don’t have an after wash, mineral spirit, or degreaser. That said, if you notice a lingering strong smell, I’d recommend going for a dedicated after-wash. Wipe it with a clean cloth, then rinse with water.

Method #2: Baking Soda and Vinegar to Avoid Chemicals

If you’re like me and prefer to keep things eco-friendly, this method’s for you. Vinegar softens the poly finish, and when you toss in some baking soda and cornstarch, you’ve got yourself a potent finish remover.

Items needed:

Step #1: Get the Mix Ready

Mix your cornstarch with the hot water to create a paste. Then gradually add cold water. When you get the texture just right, add baking soda and vinegar, and stir it properly. 

holding a beaker of cornstarch

Step #2: Use a Paintbrush to Spread on Wood

Spread the mixture across the wood. Let it soften the poly coat, then strip it with a scraper or brush.

Step #3: Sand if Needed

If you’re unsatisfied with the result, I recommend grabbing some sandpaper and giving it a good scrub. It works like a charm in removing poly residues. 

Method #3: Applying Lacquer Thinner + Denatured Alcohol

Lacquer thinner and denatured alcohol is cheaper, and the smell is not as strong as paint stripper.

denatured alcohol

Items needed:

Step #1: Get the Space Ready

Ventilate and clean your working space before you start. Make sure you wear protective gear and place sheets of paper on the floor to avoid spills. 

Step #2: Mix the Thinner and Alcohol

Mix thinner with alcohol in equal amounts in an empty can. The mixture will soften the poly coating in your wood.

Step #3: Apply on the Surface

Soak your paintbrush in the mixture. Then stroke it across the surface of the wood following the direction of the woodgrain. 

Step #4: Rub the Mixture Off

Using steel brush, rub the mixture off within a few seconds — long enough to soften the coating and avoid the mixture penetrating the wood. 

applying mixture to table

Step #5: Wash Away With Warm Water

Make sure the wood is free of mixture. Wash it away with warm water once you’re done. Also make sure to wash off polyurethane residue in your hands to avoid skin irritation. 

Will I Be Able to Remove Polyurethane by Sanding?

Paint stripper is toxic, so you’re looking for a safer alternative. If vinegar and baking soda are unavailable, sanding is your next safe option. It doesn’t emit harmful fumes, and no toxic chemicals are involved. 

Sanding is labor-intensive, consuming electricity and your body’s energy, but is effective and safe. Fine sanding works well in removing the remaining poly on wood and coarse grit sandpaper evens out lumpy parts. 

A mechanical sander works faster than sandpaper while requiring less effort from the body. However, they can leave patterns on your wood surface that is hard to remove. I suggest you use a reliable belt sander as it is easier to control than orbital and disk types. 

sanding table with polyurethane coat

Finishing sanders and water-based sanding methods can be your last touch-up tools. They may not pack the same punch as their heavy-duty cousins, but they do round off the job nicely..

Interesting Read: Grit of Sandpaper Equivalent to 0000 Steel Wool 

Based on my experience, I’ve got some tips for you on sanding to strip polyurethane off wood.

Sanding Tips

Removal of Polyurethane From Wood: Key Tips and Tricks

Paint stripper is more efficient and effective at removing poly than sander. Follow the instructions on the label properly, always take note of the risks, and be careful. Ventilate the workspace and wear safety gear appropriately to avoid woodworking accidents.

If you use other methods besides sanding, the chemical reaction may leave a foul smell. It can lead to health risks, so apply after wash or mineral spirit. Paint strippers usually put recommended after wash on the label. It is best to follow it. 

applying Oil Based Polyurethane on a wooden board

Dealing with older poly? The older it is, the more elbow grease you’re gonna need. I’ve found that a ten-year-old poly coat is like that last bit of gum stuck to your shoe—way harder to remove than something newer.

When it comes to scraping old poly off, rubber is my go-to. It’s gentle enough not to scratch the wood, just make sure you’re scraping in the direction of the wood grain.

A mixture of vinegar and baking soda is the safest and most environmentally friendly option. It may not work as effectively or quickly as other methods, so try to sand it with fine-graded grits. 

Why Apply Polyurethane on Wood?

Poly is a type of plastic that is used to seal various types of surfaces. If fabricated as wood coating, it can have multiple advantages:

Makes the Piece or Surface More Durable

Poly finish is the most resilient, durable, and effective at protecting your wood when it dries. When polyurethane is applied to a piece or surface, it forms a protective layer that shields the wood from various damaging elements.

It is tough enough to resist water, high energy radiation from the sun, and dents and scratches caused by other objects.

center table with polyurethane finish

Keeps it Protected from UV and Water Damage

Polyurethane’s chemical properties are structured so that the sun’s UV rays cannot simply penetrate through it. It also repels more water than it absorbs, decreasing your wood’s chances of permeating and softening due to water exposure. 

Also Read: Can You Apply Stain On Top of Polyurethane

Oil or Water-Based Polyurethane: Which is Better?

Oil-based poly contains a higher concentration of chemical compounds that extends its durability. It offers more protection against heat, moisture, and other weather conditions. It lasts longer and is more resistant to scratches. 

Water-based is easy to apply and releases low odor. I recommend it for indoor projects, where the wood has less exposure to rain or sunlight. 

When is it Time to Remove Polyurethane From Wood?

You can remove poly from wood for various reasons. I listed some below. 

polyurethane, paint brush and paint roller

Signs of Damage

When the layer of protection is damaged, I advise doing a complete replacement rather than patching the damaged area temporarily. 


Refinishing your wood extends its lifespan while having a new look.

Get Rid of the Gloss

You might have changed your preference for a glossy finish and decided to coat your wood with something else.

But aside from a glossy finish, you might also want to consider having a satin or semi-gloss finish


What is the best way to remove polyurethane from wood?

The best way to remove polyurethane from wood is using paint stripper.

How do baking soda and vinegar remove polyurethane?

Mixing baking soda and vinegar removes polyurethane as they create a chemical reaction that softens the coated surface. Then it peels off the wood when scraped.

Can you use a heat gun to remove polyurethane?

You can use heat gun to remove polyurethane from wood with minimal skills. Heat gun can melt the coating when right temperature is met. It is non-toxic and works quicker than sanding.

Can acetone get rid of polyurethane?

Acetone is a flammable liquid strong enough to dissolve polyurethane [1]. It mixes well with water and has low evaporation rate. It’s practical to have in your home since it’s mainly used for housekeeping and as a removal agent.

How can I determine if it’s okay to remove polyurethane without sanding?

Check whether the workplace is well-ventilated and away from potentially harming children when you use other methods besides sanding. 

Consider availability as well. There is no need to invest in an electric sander to remove polyurethane if you already have vinegar and baking powder in your kitchen, or thinner lacquer and denatured alcohol left in a small cabinet. 

Will I need to use rubber cement thinner?

Rubber cement thinner is intended for rubber cement, while lacquer thinner contains acetone making it more effective at removing hard coatings. 

Will I need to use a wire brush to remove polyurethane?

Wire brush effectively removes polyurethane from wood but might leave scratches along the process.  

Other Related Reads


Removing polyurethane from wood without sanding may require strong chemicals to for wooden surfaces. However, these methods are simple. You only have to be patient and extra careful. 

I hope I’ve been able to shed light on the aspects you were curious about while also highlighting the potential risks involved. Ultimately, choose the method that suits you best and aligns with your needs.

robert headshot

Robert Johnson is a passionate furniture maker & carpenter, sought after for his knowledge on the craft.
You’ve probably seen his down-to-earth wisdom in USA Today, Bobvila, Family Handyman, and The Spruce, where he has shared commentary and guidance on various woodworking topics.

Robert is the brain behind Sawinery, where he aims to share tips, tricks, and a passion for all things carpentry.

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