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Bench Dog Clamp

Bench Dog Clamp

Regular price $44.90
Regular price $54.90 Sale price $44.90
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Clamping workpieces to hold them in place is an essential part of woodworking, both for safety and for efficiency. Bench dogs and the workbench’s vice are commonly used for this clamping. But that system is limited, as pressure can only be applied from the direction of the vice.

Our new type of bench dog clamps adds considerable versatility to workpiece clamping onto any workbench with ¾” (19 or 20mm) round bench dog holes. The kit comes with two fixed bench dogs and two adjustable ones, which provide clamping pressure anywhere from 1 ¾” up to 5 ½” from the dog hole edge. Integral toggle clamps in the adjustable bench dogs allow holding pressure to be applied to the workpiece. All four bench dogs can be used alone or with threaded knobs from the underside of the bench for added security.

Features & Benefits

  • Adjustable bench dogs allow for a wide range of clamping options.
  • All four bench dogs have a ¾” x 1 7/8” rubber face for secure holding.
  • Adjustable clamps can hold anywhere from 1 ¾” up to 5 ½” form the dog hole.
  • Adjustable clamps have toggle latches, allowing you to apply lateral pressure to the workpiece, holding it securely.
  • Four threaded knobs provided, which can be threaded through from the bottom of the bench, providing additional security.
  • Rugged steel and polymer construction, with brass threaded inserts.
  • Works extremely well for holding irregular shaped objects; something standard bench dogs don’t do well.
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How To Use Bench Dog Clamps

  • Padded Faces

    Both the bench dogs and the toggle-action bench dog clamps have rubber padded faces, making for more secure control of the workpiece.

  • Toggle Action

    Toggle action clamps allow for positive holding of workpieces. Clamp length adjusts from 1 ¾” to 5 ½”.

  • Bolt Through

    Threaded knobs and studs are provided, allowing the bench dogs and toggle-action bench dog clamps to be fastened through the benchtop for added security and strength.

  • Holding Without End Vice

    Kit allows for clamping of boards to the benchtop for planing and other surface operations, without the use of an end vice.

  • Kit Inclusions

    The bench dog clamp kit contains two bench dogs, two toggle-action bench dog clamps, and four threaded knobs, allowing for more secure attachment through the benchtop.

  • Unusual Shapes

    Kit excels at holding unusual shaped objects, which are typically difficult to clamp to the benchtop.