How to Remove Rust from Tools [Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners]

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Rust is the bane of any woodworker’s existence. It not only compromises the effectiveness of your tools but can also transfer onto your projects, affecting the quality of your work. 

In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through removing rust from tools to ensure they remain in prime condition for all your woodworking endeavors.

Understanding Rust & Its Effect on Your Tools

Rust, scientifically known as iron oxide, is a reddish-brown flaky coating that forms on iron or steel when exposed to oxygen and moisture for a long time. It’s a common issue for woodworkers, especially in humid environments. 

It makes tools less efficient, dulling blades and clogging moving parts. On top of that, it poses a risk of staining wood during use. Beginners must understand that rust is not just a cosmetic issue; it can significantly impact the longevity and performance of their tools. 

rusty hand plane

Recognizing the early signs of rust and addressing them can save time and money in the long run and preserve the integrity of the tools and the woodworking projects.

Tools You'll Need

Step-by-Step Guide to Rust Removal

1. Observe Safety Precautions

Before beginning the rust removal process, equip yourself with gloves and protective eyewear. This precaution is essential to avoid injuries from sharp tool edges or harmful splashes from chemical treatments. 

You should also choose the right kind of gloves (like nitrile or rubber) to provide both dexterity and protection.

2. Start with the Initial Cleaning Process

Start this step with a wire brush or a ball of steel wool and gently scrub off the loose rust on the material’s surface. The wire brush is effective for larger surfaces or more stubborn rust, while steel wool can be used for finer, more delicate areas.

clean with steel wool

You should also work in a well-lit area to spot all the rust areas. Once you’re sure of the parts you’ll be cleaning, start scrubbing using gentle, circular motions to avoid scratching the tool’s surface. This step is crucial for precision tools or finely-edged blades.

3. Initiate Sandpaper Treatment

For the initial sanding steps, try choosing coarser grit sandpaper (around 80-120 grit) to remove the bulk of the rust. From there, progressively move to finer grits (up to 220 or 320) to smooth the surface and eliminate any scratches made during the initial scrubbing.

For tools like chisels or wood planers, maintaining the flatness and sharpness of the edge is crucial. It’ll be better to use a sanding block to distribute pressure and maintain the equipment’s integrity evenly. 

4. Execute Chemical Treatment

If the rust didn’t budge after the previous procedures, it’s time to soak the affected parts in white vinegar for several hours or overnight. Vinegar is a mild and natural acid, making it safe for most metals. After washing, use a brush (like an old toothbrush) for detailed scrubbing.

You can also consider using commercial rust removers to remove rust from your tools. Remember to check the product’s instructions for application before anything else. These removers can be more potent than vinegar solutions and require less soaking time.

chemical treating rust on tool

The only problem is they can be harsh on the skin and emit strong odors, so ensure proper ventilation and skin protection.

5. Rinse and Dry the Surface

After applying chemical products to your power tools,  it’s essential to rinse the tools thoroughly with clean water to remove any residual chemicals or loosened rust particles. The metal surfaces should also be dried immediately after this. 

Get a clean, dry cloth to wipe the tool thoroughly. It’s worth noting that any lingering moisture can lead to new rust formation. You can use a hair dryer for quick drying in hard-to-reach areas.

6. Apply Lubricating Oil

Once completely dried, apply a thin, even coat of light machine oil or a specific tool oil over the tool’s metal surface. Doing this process not only prevents future rusting but also ensures that any moving parts, like screws or hinges, remain smooth and functional.

Video Tutorial: Guide to Removing Rust from Tools

For those who prefer a more visual and interactive approach to learning, Sawinery’s resident woodworker Rich has created an in-depth video tutorial on removing rust from woodworking tools. This tutorial complements the information in this guide, offering a practical demonstration of each step in the rust removal process.

How to Prevent Rust Formation on Your Tools

Proactive rust prevention is essential in maintaining the integrity and longevity of woodworking tools. Here are several ways beginners should remember to avoid this issue:


Control Workshop Humidity

Moisture in the air is one of the primary catalysts for rust. Because of this, keeping the humidity levels in your workshop under control is crucial. Woodworkers should aim for a relative humidity level of around 40-50%.

Utilizing a dehumidifier can also effectively reduce moisture in the air, especially in regions with high humidity or during damp seasons. If that’s unavailable, it’s good practice to maintain good ventilation in your workspace.

Use of Silica Gel Packs

Silica gel packs[1] are excellent for absorbing excess moisture. You can place these products in your toolboxes or storage cabinets. 

They are especially handy in enclosed spaces where air circulation is limited. However, don’t forget to replace or recharge these packs as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

After each use, you must clean your tools thoroughly. Wiping down surfaces with a dry, clean cloth removes any moisture or residues that may have accumulated during use. 

cleaning carving tool

This step is crucial, especially after working with woods with higher moisture content or exposure to damp conditions.

Oiling Your Tools

Regularly applying a thin layer of protective oil forms a barrier against moisture. Remember to use oils specifically designed for tools, as they provide the best protection without attracting dust or dirt. 

Try to focus on all metal parts, including blades and screws. Doing this not only prevents rust but also keeps moving parts functioning smoothly. 

Proper Storage

If you don’t want to experience the hassle of removing rust, store your tools in a dry, clean environment. Avoid placing them directly on concrete floors, as these can harbor moisture.

woodworking cabinet for tools

Investing in a high-quality toolbox with rust-preventive lining can also benefit woodworkers like you. You may not know, but toolboxes with airtight seals offer additional protection against humidity.

Tool Wraps and Coatings

Consider using tool wraps or anti-rust liners in your storage boxes for additional protection. Some woodworkers also use a light coat of wax on their tools for added moisture resistance.

Avoid Direct Contact with Water

You should never leave tools in a wet condition under any circumstances. If tools become wet during usage, dry them immediately. Remember to be cautious when working in damp environments or near liquids.

Regular Inspections

Periodically check your tools for any signs of rust or moisture. As previously said, early detection can prevent more extensive damage and reduce the need for intensive rust removal methods.

inspect tools

When to Seek Professional Help

For antique, highly specialized, or expensive tool brands, it might be wise to seek professional help for rust removal. Remember that improper techniques can lead to irreversible damage, reducing the tool’s functionality or value. 

Professionals have specialized techniques and products that can safely restore these tools without harming them. If in doubt, consult an expert before removing rust from valuable tools.


Mastering rust removal is an essential aspect of woodworking tool maintenance. It not only prolongs the life of your tools but also ensures the quality of your work. 

By following these steps, beginners can ensure their tools remain in top condition, ready to bring their woodworking visions to life. Remember, the effort you put into caring for your tools is directly reflected in the quality of your woodworking projects.

robert headshot

Robert Johnson is a passionate furniture maker & carpenter, sought after for his knowledge on the craft.
You’ve probably seen his down-to-earth wisdom in USA Today, Bobvila, Family Handyman, and The Spruce, where he has shared commentary and guidance on various woodworking topics.

Robert is the brain behind Sawinery, where he aims to share tips, tricks, and a passion for all things carpentry.

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