How To Cut a Notch in Wood + Different Wood Notching Tools

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When I first delved into woodworking, figuring out how to cut a notch without any prior knowledge proved to be a daunting task. Mistakes led to wasted material, costing me both time and money. 

Drawing from those experiences, I’ve honed and identified the best techniques. In this article, I’ll share these methods with you, ensuring that you can craft perfect notches, even if it’s your first attempt.

Things to Consider

Hand Cut Notches

It stands to reason that larger frameworks put more pressure on one another and thus need more careful upkeep. It’s important to create grooves deeper in these situations, so the beam or attic doesn’t fall on your head.

Placement of the Notch

The number of pieces and their depth required will be determined by the structural integrity. Keep in mind that these requirements may vary depending on where you place the notch.

notch on a wood

Do the Math

Mathematically, you can choose between 22 or 24 notches.

Notching a 2×4 at the joint is especially useful for small attics and beams with fewer supporting elements. The 2-by-2 notching offers superior support and rigidity for larger and stronger beams.

Notching can require a lot of workpieces for the entire process, so have some extra if you want solid beams.

Steps in Cutting a Notch in Wood

What Do You Need: Materials + Safety Gears

You can notch wood in various ways. You can find an assortment of woodworking equipment in the workshop of a more seasoned artisan.

These are the things required:

person wearing protective gear

Step #1: Prepare the Wood + Measure and Mark the Notch

Make sure you have accurate measurements and marks. Mark the bottom and depth of the cut with a measuring tape, and then use a framing square to extend the measurements all the way around.

You can use a chisel to define the marks further, as it will provide you with a solid foundation.

Step #2: Modify the Cutting Depth

Once your line is drawn, you may lift the guard and place the blade flat on the side of the workpiece to create the necessary adjustments.

circular saw

A circular saw is the most efficient tool for making wood notches. You can also use a hand saw, but it might take longer.

Step #3: Cut the Notch

Using a hammer and chisel, you can cut a notch in the wood. However, a saw will help you reduce preparation time while producing a more precise notch.

When dealing with wood, it’s important to be careful and always wear protective equipment.

Start cutting along the drawn line with a hand saw. Now, continue moving and cut another vertical line. Lay the workpiece flat on your work surface and continue working down from the top of the notch until rough.

hammer and chisel

Hold it against the saw fence and cut along a marked line to the required depth. Repeat with 1/8 inch forward. Continue and move to reach the other line. After removing all the “teeth,” the remaining wood will resemble a comb.

Using an electric saw makes removing the last of your notch’s wood easy by laying the wood flat on your work table and chip into the appropriate form.

Step #4: Clean the Edges

After it has been roughly shaped, transfer it to the vise, which can be refined into a clean, squared shape. Use a smaller chisel to remove excess wood chips from the rough notch. 

Step #5: Assemble the Pieces

After doing the notch, test it by inserting the workpiece it will work with. You want it to fit as closely as possible.

assembling wood pieces

If the groove you made is too small, you can enlarge it by carefully chipping away more wood. Start with another piece of wood if it is too large.

Step #6: Repeat Steps 1-4 For the Next Pieces of Wood (If Needed)

When you’ve finished notching one piece of wood and are happy with the results, you’ll need to do it again with the next piece so that you may join them and come up with a strong wood joint

Cutting Notches In Wood Using Different Tools: 5 Methods

Method #1: Using a Hack Saw

sawing wood with hack saw

Method #2: Using a Hand Saw

What you need

hand saws, plane, measuring tools


1. Measure the object to be cut, label the wooden block with those proportions, and double-check your work before the first cut. 
2. Using a square or ruler to make a cut mark is best for creating a good starting point.
3. Position the wood so the line is at least 10cm away from firm support (like a workbench).
4. Secure the workpiece with a clamp or two.
5. Wear goggles and gloves for safety.
6. The blade needs to be at a 45-degree angle to the wood, so choose an angle as your starting point.
7. Cut notches in wood using your thumbnail as a guide and strokes that are as gentle as possible.

sawing lumber

8. If you want to saw, take your hand off the wood, push the blade ahead and pull it back towards you.
9. Maintain your course and make sure your cuts are square to the wood.
10. Gently cut and grasp the workpiece as you get close to the end to prevent tearing.
11. Use a rasp to smooth the notch area.

Method #3: Using a Circular Saw

1. If you want to cut a notch in wood using this method, you need to create a set of parallel cuts using a chisel.

Half-wood requires you to start sawing from both ends, adjusting the depth line to accommodate the wood’s thickness. The recommended distance between crop marks is 1 centimeter.

sawing lumber with circular saw

2. The saw sliced the wood into 1 cm wide strips, which were easily chipped away one by one with the chisel. Use the sander to even out the base of the notch.

3. Use a mallet to reunite the two pieces. In keeping with the tenon procedure, the male component of the assembly is cut with a circular sawing machine.

The assembly is done at the end of the job, but you can use the same method for half-timbered cross joints in massive timbers.

Method #4: Using a Router

Step #1: Prepare and mark the workpiece

First, you need to zero in on the precise location of the notch, which establishes the rip fence’s origin, simplifying keeping the router perpendicular to the workpiece’s perimeter.

Interesting Read: What’s the Best Cutlist Optimizer?

tape measure and pencil

Find out how deep the groove is, so you can choose the right router bit and adjust the depth.

Step #2: Adjust the router and notch

Install the router bit and tighten it before starting the router. When the groove is milled, the milling depth can be adjusted to the value previously chosen. Get the rip fence up.

Step #3: Cut away

Fire up the machine and set the speed to your preference. However, keep in mind that hardwoods require more time to mill than softwoods.

Step #4: Polish the notch

With the job finished, the milling tool can be unlocked and backed away from the workpiece. Take it to the drain. You can avoid scraping by hand by retracting the cutter to remove any leftover chips for a spotless finish.

lumber on working table

Method #5: Using a Power Drill

Necessary Tools

Step #1: Assemble the Drill

Attach a Tri-point or Forstner bit to the drill. Select a bit that’s 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) shorter than the notch you want. For a 1-inch (25 mm) notch, for instance, use a 7/8-inch bit.

Adjust the depth limiter and mark the end of the board with the desired depth. Then, turn the crank until your mark aligns with the component’s corner.

Disconnect the drill, arrange the workpiece, and use a stencil by clamping a board to the workspace.

Step #2: Start Drilling the Notch

At both ends, draw a line. Before drilling, measure the notch’s length. Label both ends. Create a hole in the workpiece with an awl or nail and hammer.


On the wood, turn on the drill and align the bit. If you have a depth stop, set it. If not, set the drill bit’s depth.

Overlap holes along the notch. Position the workpiece so the drill bit points in. Shift it to add another hole and drill until you get an end-to-end notch.

Step #3: Smooth-clean the Notch

Use a chisel to clear out the remnants between the holes. Since chips and dust have accumulated in the gaps, wipe them away with a rag for a smooth finish.

Take the piece of wood you’ve drilled out of the bench and relocate it to a new surface.

making notch with a chisel

If the grooves are still rough, wrap some sandpaper around them and smooth them inside; repeat the process until satisfied.

Other Tools You Can Use For Cutting Wood Notches


When I use this tool, I always cut away from myself with the angled edge down, carefully ensuring not to cross the markings. If necessary, I use a mallet or hammer and then repeat the process for any other vertical line that needs cutting.

Coping Saw

This is an excellent tool for notching wood, particularly larger pieces. It’s sharp, and its smooth sawing action makes it perfect for trimming lumber.

Table Saw

They could be used with or without jigs, depending on the cut. These saws may crosscut, rip, and bevel. [1] Before utilizing power tools to notch wood, check that the workpiece is secure on the saw’s fence.

person holding a lumber and pencil

Band Saw

In my experience, the tool’s small blade can easily cut through even the thickest hardwood. However, I recommend mounting this tool on a stand or the wall for best results.


The tool can cut complicated forms, thus suitable for notching wood. With this saw’s sharp blade, you can carve delicate patterns onto the wood.

Scroll Saw

The scroll saw’s up-and-down blade cuts beautiful designs in wood. Keep it well-lubricated to avoid jagged cuts.

How To Notch the End of a 4X4 Wood?

A chisel is used for notching a board in woodworking. Mark the wood’s end for the groove, but make no deep incisions.

making a notch on a wood with hammer and chisel

You can use a jigsaw to notch wood. Mark the wood’s end for the notch. Using a jigsaw, remove the notch and sandpaper any rough spots to finish.

How To Notch a 2x6 Wood?

Mark the placement on a wooden board. You can remove everything with a table or circle saw, although hand saws can also be used.

Cuts should stop halfway into the wood, then use an electric or handsaw to ensure a uniform, precise cut.

Finally, remove excess material until it is the right size and shape.

How To Notch the Board’s End?

Another method I often use is employing a miter to notch wood or a board, saving both time and energy. This approach is especially beneficial when building shelves or tackling other projects that require precise cuts.

fitting lumbers with notch

How To Notch Wood To Make Shelves?

You can use a miter saw to notch wood or shelves swiftly and easily. The procedure is useful for making bookcases and other items that need clean, accurate, and durable cuts.

Read more articles: 


What’s the best method to cut a notch in wood?

Notching wood is very dependent on the instrument being used and the specifics of the notching and projects being created. You can utilize many different approaches, each with advantages and disadvantages, but they can make your projects stronger.

How can I make a three-sided notch?

Three-sided notches, such as those used in lap joints for the legs of occasional tables, are cut in the same way. After making multiple parallel cuts, you need to chisel softly from the side rather than merely slide the pieces aside.


Mastering the art of notching is a fundamental woodworking skill. Now that you understand how to cut a notch in wood, your woodworking projects will not only have added sturdiness and longevity, but also a refined aesthetic and polished appearance.

robert headshot

Robert Johnson is a passionate furniture maker & carpenter, sought after for his knowledge on the craft.
You’ve probably seen his down-to-earth wisdom in USA Today, Bobvila, Family Handyman, and The Spruce, where he has shared commentary and guidance on various woodworking topics.

Robert is the brain behind Sawinery, where he aims to share tips, tricks, and a passion for all things carpentry.

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