How to Mix Epoxy Without Bubbles for Wood and More

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Achieving the best results with epoxy is all about precision in the mixing process. The key to a strong bond and a seamless finish lies in consistency.

I’ll take you through the essential steps, from choosing the appropriate tools to the nuances of application, ensuring your project is not just completed, but done exceptionally well!

What Are the Factors to Consider in Mixing Epoxy?

When working with epoxy, achieving a successful outcome hinges on meticulous preparation and precise execution. Mixing epoxy might seem straightforward, but there are several crucial factors to consider to ensure the best results. 

Whether you’re a seasoned craftsman or a DIY enthusiast, paying attention to these factors will make a significant difference in the final quality of your project:


Maintaining the correct ratio of epoxy resin to hardener is non-negotiable. This ratio is typically 1:1, but it can vary depending on the specific epoxy product you’re using. 

pouring epoxy from a beaker

Using a digital scale to weigh the components accurately is a small step that prevents a cascade of potential issues, such as incomplete curing or a compromised bond.


Temperature plays a pivotal role in epoxy’s chemical reaction. Warmer temperatures accelerate the curing process, while cooler ones slow it down. 

Always check the recommended temperature range specified by the manufacturer. 

Deviating from this range can lead to incomplete curing, weak bonds, or undesirable surface textures.

Mixing Tools

Selecting the appropriate mixing tools is often underestimated. A flat, wide mixing container allows thorough blending without excessive splashing or overflowing. 

mixing epoxy resin

A flexible silicone spatula helps you scrape the sides and bottom effectively, ensuring no unmixed material lingers.

Mixing Technique

Avoid the temptation to rush through the mixing process. Stirring too vigorously can introduce air bubbles, compromising the final finish. Instead, stir slowly and methodically, making sure to scrape the sides and bottom as you go. 

A consistent and deliberate approach ensures a homogenous mixture without compromising the epoxy’s integrity.

Avoid Cross-Contamination

Epoxy is unforgiving when it comes to contamination. Even a minuscule amount of foreign material—dust, dirt, or residue—can mar the surface or weaken the bond. 

clean workspace

Before mixing, clean your workspace thoroughly and ensure your mixing tools are free from any debris. It’s a small effort that guarantees a flawless result.

Pot Life

The pot life of epoxy refers to the window of time during which the mixture remains workable. Exceeding this timeframe can lead to uneven curing and poor adhesion. 

Be mindful of the pot life specified by the manufacturer and plan your work accordingly. If you’re tackling a larger project, consider dividing it into manageable sections to ensure you have enough time to apply the epoxy.


While stirring epoxy, air bubbles can form, especially if you mix too vigorously. To eliminate these bubbles, consider using a heat gun or a torch. 

using torch on epoxy resin

Hold the heat source a few inches above the surface and move gently to allow the bubbles to rise and pop. This step contributes to a smoother finish in applications where air bubbles would be visible.

Follow Manufacturer Guidelines

Every epoxy product comes with specific guidelines provided by the manufacturer. These guidelines encompass everything from mixing ratios to recommended application techniques. 

Adhering to these instructions is paramount. Manufacturers have conducted extensive testing to determine the best practices for their products, so following their guidelines ensures a higher likelihood of success.

How to Mix Epoxy Successfully in 8 Steps

Epoxy, a versatile and strong adhesive, finds applications in various fields, from woodworking to jewelry making. Achieving the desired results with epoxy hinges on mastering the art of mixing it correctly. 

prepare epoxy resin

A meticulous approach ensures a strong bond and a flawless finish, making your wood and resin projects durable and visually appealing. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to mix epoxy effectively.

Step #1: Gather Your Materials

Before you start mixing epoxy, gather all the necessary materials. You’ll need epoxy resin and epoxy hardener, both of which usually come in equal parts. 

Ensure you have a clean mixing container, mixing tools, and a digital scale to measure the components accurately.

Step #2: Measure the Components

The key to a successful epoxy mix lies in maintaining the correct ratio of epoxy resin to hardener. Most epoxy products require a 1:1 ratio, but it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on this. 

measuring epoxy resin

Using a digital scale, measure equal parts of epoxy resin and hardener. Precision at this stage is crucial, as even a slight imbalance can compromise the epoxy’s effectiveness.

Step #3: Choose the Right Mixing Container

Select a mixing container that provides ample space for the epoxy components to be stirred thoroughly without overflowing. A wide, flat container is preferable, as it allows for better mixing and minimizes the risk of air bubbles. 

The container should also be clean and free from any residue that could contaminate the epoxy mix.

Step #4: Stir Slowly and Thoroughly

Begin by pouring the measured epoxy resin and hardener into the mixing container. Using a flat stir stick, start stirring slowly and deliberately. Avoid stirring too vigorously, as this can introduce air bubbles into the mix. 

mixing epoxy resin

Scrape the sides and bottom of the container as you stir to ensure that all the components are evenly incorporated. Continue stirring for a minimum of two minutes or until you achieve a consistent, uniform color and texture.

Step #5: Degassing the Mixture

After mixing, air bubbles might be present in the epoxy mixture. To eliminate these bubbles, you can use a heat gun or a torch. 

Hold the heat source a few inches above the surface of the epoxy and move it gently to encourage the bubbles to rise and pop. 

This step is particularly important if you’re working on projects where air bubbles would be visible, such as clear epoxy coatings.

Step #6: Be Mindful of Pot Life

Epoxy has a limited “pot life,” which is the window of time during which the mixture remains workable. The pot life varies depending on the epoxy product and environmental conditions. 

pouring epoxy resin

It’s crucial to be aware of this timeframe and plan your work accordingly. Mixing a smaller batch or working in sections might be necessary for larger projects to ensure you have enough time to apply the epoxy before it begins to cure.

Step #7: Follow Manufacturer Guidelines

Different epoxy products may have specific mixing and application guidelines provided by the manufacturer. These guidelines are based on extensive testing to ensure optimal results. 

Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for details on mixing ratios, pot life, and application techniques. Deviating from these guidelines could lead to subpar results.

Step #8: Apply the Epoxy Promptly

Once your epoxy mixture is ready, apply it promptly to your project. Whether you’re bonding materials or creating a coating, use the appropriate tools to spread the epoxy evenly. 

curing epoxy resin

Follow recommended curing times and conditions to allow the epoxy [1] to set properly and achieve its maximum strength.

Can You Reuse Resin Mixing Supplies?

Yes, you can reuse resin mixing supplies to a certain extent, but it’s important to exercise caution. 

While items like silicone spatulas and mixing containers can be cleaned and reused, ensure they’re thoroughly cleaned of any cured epoxy residue before the next use. 

However, for critical projects, I’d recommend using fresh supplies to prevent potential contamination and ensure accurate mixing ratios. 

Using old supplies could compromise the quality of your epoxy mix, affecting the outcome of your project.


To master epoxy mixing, precision and attention to detail are both paramount to the process. Following proper ratios, utilizing suitable tools, and adhering to manufacturer guidelines will all ensure optimal results. 

With this guide, you can now confidently mix epoxy for strong bonds and impeccable finishes for various projects!

robert headshot

Robert Johnson is a passionate furniture maker & carpenter, sought after for his knowledge on the craft.
You’ve probably seen his down-to-earth wisdom in USA Today, Bobvila, Family Handyman, and The Spruce, where he has shared commentary and guidance on various woodworking topics.

Robert is the brain behind Sawinery, where he aims to share tips, tricks, and a passion for all things carpentry.

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