Where to Take Old Lawn Mowers Near Me

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Like it or not, taking care of your lawn involves upgrading to a better machine over time. As you do this, it also means that you have to free up space in the storage. 

Now, you might think tossing out your old lawnmower is the simplest solution, but there’s a right way to go about it. Stick with me and I’ll walk you through the steps on how to properly get rid of that old mower, so you’re doing it the smart way.

How to Get Rid of an Old Lawnmower: 4 Options

#1: Recycle the Old Mower

We all know that most mower parts are made of metal and tough plastic material, so recycling an old machine can be trickier than you think. However, you can easily solve this dilemma if there’s a local recycling store nearby or a Home Depot. 

#2: Donate the Old Mower

If your mower is still in decent shape, donating it to a local charity is another route you could consider. I’d only recommend this if the mower is in good enough condition to be of use to someone who can’t afford a new one.

You may not know, but some charities and non-profit organizations are open to picking up donated items for free. This way, you wouldn’t need to spend a dime on transportation. 

Toro Lawn Mower

But if that’s not the case, you must find an economical way to transport the mower to the donation center. 

Nevertheless, this option is more environmentally-friendly than scrapping the mower altogether. 

#3: Sell the Old Mower

The most economical way to get rid of your old lawnmower is to sell it. You’ll have no problem in selling an old mower, assuming that the unit is still fully functional and there are no obvious damages. 

(Speaking of damages, here’s how you can fix your zero-turn mower if one side isn’t working!)

If you’re well-versed in using the internet, you should know that there are many social networks you can try to sell old stuff [1]. Your options are limitless—from eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Amazon, and even Craig’s List. 

#4: Sell the Parts to a Scrap Dealer

If you’ve got an old lawn mower past its prime and isn’t suitable for donation or resale, then heading to a scrap dealer is a practical option I’d recommend. It’s a straightforward way to dispose of units that are no longer functional.

scrapping lawn mower parts to sell

Disposing Old Gas and Oil From the Machine

Before choosing any disposal method, removing old gas and oil from the lawnmower is crucial if you intend to donate or sell the unit. Keeping stale gas in the tank for a long time will prevent your mower from functioning properly and damage its parts. 

You can opt to take it to the repair shop and have someone drain it for you or handle it yourself by following the below instructions. 

How to Drain the Mower Fuel

First, you must have a siphon hose ready at your disposal. It may be better if the hose has an attached hand pump. And then, ensure that the mower’s spark plug is disconnected to avoid sudden ignition before tilting the unit down.

Once the screws are off, carefully remove the blade and set it aside. From there, you can insert the oil sump and remove the fuel cup to start the draining process. 

lawn mower fuel cap

Pickup and Disposal of an Old Lawn Mower

Free Lawn Mower Removal and Disposal Services

It might be tempting to handle it all yourself, but from my perspective, the most efficient way to manage this, both in terms of time and money, is to rely on companies that specialize in proper recycling. 

It’s not advisable to just leave your mower out on the sidewalk for local garbage services to pick up. Instead, reaching out to professional garbage disposal companies is the recommended approach.


Are old lawn mowers worth anything?

Old lawn mowers are worth something if the unit still works properly and has no obvious damages that may cause problems in the long run. Many people are still interested in buying a used riding lawn mower below $500, for instance, as they are obviously cheaper that new ones. 

So while it can decrease in value, the owner of these mowers can still sell and profit from them. If you’re not interested in profiting over it, you can also donate it to charity.

Does Home Depot recycle old lawn mowers?

Yes, Home Depot recycles old lawn mowers. Along with the RAQC, they even offer $150 vouchers to users who will choose to recycle and replace their old units at any participating Home Depot outlet. The only condition is it has to be a gas-powered mower replaced with an electric unit


Figuring out where to take old mowers near you can be confusing, especially if you’ve never disposed of equipment as big as this before. However, doing it the right way is a piece of advice I would like to highlight, as this could help the environment and other people who can still use your old mower. 

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Robert Johnson is a passionate furniture maker & carpenter, sought after for his knowledge on the craft.
You’ve probably seen his down-to-earth wisdom in USA Today, Bobvila, Family Handyman, and The Spruce, where he has shared commentary and guidance on various woodworking topics.

Robert is the brain behind Sawinery, where he aims to share tips, tricks, and a passion for all things carpentry.

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