Walnut Wood Prices — How Much is Walnut Wood Worth?

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Are you worried about spending too much on walnut wood or having a hard time finding budget-friendly options for your woodworking endeavors? You’re at the right place!

Let me ensure you have all the pricing details you need. This a comprehensive guide that will empower you to make savvy choices when it comes to buying walnut wood. So, say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to informed purchasing!

Cost Of 4/4 Walnut Lumber​

When it comes to 4/4 walnut lumber, you can expect to find it at different prices, ranging from $8.20 to $11.70 per board foot. Keep in mind that the quality of the wood plays a big role in determining the cost. So, the higher the grade of walnut, the more you can expect to pay.

Cost of 5/4 Walnut Lumber

When it comes to 5/4 walnut lumber, you can expect to pay around $9.40 for each board foot. Keep in mind that the grade of the wood can influence the price; higher grades tend to cost more. 

If you’re looking to save some money, you might consider going for lower-grade walnut lumber, which comes at a more budget-friendly price.

Cost of 6/4 Walnut Lumber

When it comes to 6/4 walnut lumber, you can expect to pay around $18.99 for each board foot on average.

Walnut lumber

Cost of 8/4 Walnut Lumber

The cost of 8/4 walnut lumber typically falls between $9.80 to $19.99 per board foot on average. Like the other walnut lumber, discounts may be available for larger quantities or frequent customers, depending on where you’ll buy the material.

How Much is a Board Foot of Walnut Worth?

The value of a board foot of walnut can vary depending on various factors, such as the thickness of the board, the grade of the wood, the location of the supplier, and the current market conditions.

Nevertheless, the typical price range for one board foot of walnut is between $5 and $10, contingent upon the factors mentioned earlier. These factors play a crucial role in determining the cost of walnut wood per board foot.

Also remember that the price can change over time due to fluctuations in supply and demand, as well as economic and environmental factors. So I suggest comparing prices from different suppliers to ensure you get the best value for your money.

How Much is a Square Foot of Walnut Wood?

Generally, the cost of walnut wood is expressed in terms of board feet, which is a volume measurement of wood.

Walnut wood with Varnish

To convert the cost of walnut wood from board feet to square feet, you would need to know the thickness of the wood and the width of the board. For example, if you have a board that is 1 inch thick and 6 inches wide, then a board foot of that wood would cover one square foot.

Assuming an average price of $10 per board foot of 4/4 (1 inch thick) walnut lumber, then the cost per square foot would be approximately $10 per square foot.

Walnut wood slab

Pricing of Black vs. Natural Walnut

Black walnut [1] and natural (or lighter) walnut are both types of walnut wood that are used for various woodworking applications. The pricing of black relative to natural walnut can vary depending on several factors.

In general, black walnut is considered a premium wood with a darker color and more pronounced grain pattern. As a result, black walnut is often more expensive than natural walnut.

However, the price difference can vary depending on the availability and demand for each type of wood. It’s also important to note that the pricing of black and natural walnut can vary depending on the application.

Walnut wood oil varnished and gel polish

For example, black walnut is often used for high-end furniture and cabinetry, while natural walnut may be more commonly used for flooring or paneling.


How much is a full-grown walnut tree worth?

A full-grown walnut tree is worth 100,000 USD per acre in timber value alone. Additionally, studies show that individual trees can be sold for up to 20,000 USD.

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When you’re curious about the cost of walnut wood, the smart move is to reach out to nearby suppliers and lumberyards. They can provide you with the most up-to-date pricing information for walnut wood in your area.

Whether you’re a woodworking enthusiast or just someone intrigued by walnut wood’s worth, it’s beneficial to grasp the factors influencing its price. This knowledge equips you to make well-informed choices.

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Robert Johnson is a passionate furniture maker & carpenter, sought after for his knowledge on the craft.
You’ve probably seen his down-to-earth wisdom in USA Today, Bobvila, Family Handyman, and The Spruce, where he has shared commentary and guidance on various woodworking topics.

Robert is the brain behind Sawinery, where he aims to share tips, tricks, and a passion for all things carpentry.

2 thoughts on “Walnut Wood Prices — How Much is Walnut Wood Worth?

  1. Walnut currently sells for anywhere from $8 to $14 per board foot, depending on the quality of the wood. If it has any special figuring, it runs even higher than that.

    Walnut is a domestic hardwood, here in the United States, so it is nowhere near as expensive as exotic hardwoods. Still, it’s very popular, with a decent price for domestic hardwood.

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