Table Saw Projects — Simple and Easy Ideas To Try In 2024

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In my workshop, the table saw is truly the heart of all operations. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, it quickly becomes the go-to tool for various projects. I’ve even used it for a range of DIY projects that caught my interest. Let me share with you a few table saw projects I recommend trying.

Table Saw Projects

Tools and Materials

Before getting right into your woodworking projects, you need to gather a few supplies first. Above all else, you need a high-quality table saw and the following items:

What is a Table Saw?

If you’re only just getting introduced to table saws and you are using one of the best table saw for beginners for your projects, you might not entirely understand its functions. A table saw is a woodworking tool with a circular saw blade. It is often in the space under a table’s surface. With the saw’s body conveniently placed under the router table rack, the blade protrudes just above the surface just like jigsaw. 

When I use an electric motor, it effortlessly rips through wood. Both professional woodworkers like myself and hobbyists often turn to this kind of device to achieve straighter and smoother cuts on both long and small boards.

What’s more interesting is that there are table saws with a safety stop feature to prevent injuries and accidents while working. 

Projects You Can Make With A Table Saw

1. Bird Feeder

wooden Birdfeeder

Most of the time, a rustic bird feeder is a standard and simple woodworking project that many beginners love to build. With a solid set of woodworking plans and techniques, you can build one great bird feeder. If done right, the bird feeder will last multiple years, even after getting exposed to the weather.

When you build and have plans or techniques on this woodworking DIY project, you can install one set plexiglass in the bird feeder to help you check on the seed levels. That way, you’ll know when you give your winged friends a refill. Keep in mind that as you learn, it’s best to build this DIY project from decay-resistant wood.

2. Bread Tray

wooden Trays

While it’s easy to pick up a bread tray from a supermarket shelf, crafting one with your own hands is truly rewarding. I’ve found that putting in that effort allows me to create personalized and thoughtful gifts for friends and loved ones.

For this DIY beginner woodturning project, you’ll want to build something that’s double-layered. The first panel will be slated, and the second board at the bottom wouldn’t be. That way, when you cut bread, you can let the crumbs fall to the second board. You can then dispose of them later in a neat fashion.

You’ll also want your tray to have handles. And, of course, the lower panel should be removable for ease of cleaning. I know it’s not very simple or easy for beginners to build this wooden project. But its one project that you’ll love to spend time to learn and ultimately build in your workbench.

3. A Small/Big Box

Wooden Storage box

When you know how to build a wooden crate from pallets, this is just about the easiest and most useful project anyone can make. All you’re required to do is measure each wall and set accurately with tools like your tape measure. If you make one mistake with your dimensions, you’ll have a set of unequal sides that will make the box less appealing.

Once you’ve got your box dimensions right, you can simply cut and join the six slabs of wood together by assembly with simple butt joints. That is the four sides, the top and the bottom. Once done, you can put any number of things inside, unlike a rack. You could also gift and share it to a friend, loved one or family member. Given how easy and simple its construction is, this wooden project is perfect for high school students and other beginners to practice their craft.

4. Wooden Sofa Sleeve Cup Holder

Wooden Sofa Sleeve Cup Holder

Have you ever noticed how useful those little cup holders in your car are? Well, you can create your own from wood for your sofa. With the right rustic woodworking plans, all you’ll really need is to join three pieces of wood together.

Once that’s done, cut a hole at the top to make room for your cup. If you like, you could give the hole a wooden bottom. That way, your sofa won’t get soaked by perspiring glass. Remember that your dimensions must be as accurate as possible. This is important for your cup hole and soft arms.

5. An Under-Window Bookcase

Under-Window Bookcase

In its most basic form, a bookcase is a sturdy open-faced cabinet/piece of furniture that can have rustic style. Those who create it often design it to support the weight of heavy books. For that reason, constructing it with a weaker piece of wood might not be the best idea. Depending on your level of skill, this might be a challenge or simply a breeze. Regardless, with the right information and woodworking plans, you should be able to get through and learn this DIY project with minimal effort.

Nevertheless, beginners can take the first step with a simple two-shelf bookcase made of a good number of plywood panels. This two-shelf DIY project shouldn’t place too much strain on your limited skill. Once you’re done, you can then trim the edges and each wall using a reliable table saw blade for a finished and clean look. If you’d like to take another challenge, you can make a set of these just for fun. You can also learn how to make frame, panel cabinet doors, make a new set of cabinet doors for your kitchen and build a custom cabinet doors for your home using a table saw.

Safety Reminders

Power tools like table saws often have their safety measures in place and should put safely in a storage. However, they’re still dangerous, with the potential to cause quite a bit of harm. This is very likely if you don’t utilize them properly. So, before you start using your Dewalt DWE7491RS or even Hitachi C10RJ table saw for your woodworking project, here are a few safety reminders.

From my experience, I can’t stress enough how important it is to protect your senses before beginning any project. This means you should wear goggles to protect your eyes, dust mask to protect your nose, and appropriate hearing protection. Remember to always stand comfortably while doing your DIY projects. 

green circular saw on wooden surface

As a general rule of thumb you should learn, your feet should be a few meters apart so that you can get a good balance. Another important reminder is to wear comfortable clothing. Anything that dangles or flows while cutting to make a rack like is a no-no.

While operating, use a push stick to cut wood for your rack and other wooden DIYs if your hands are getting too close to the blade. And make sure that your tabletop is made clean at all times before starting new work. You can easily build this jointer jig using your high-performing Grizzly G0715p hybrid table saw even from scrap material in your shop.

Do not wear chainsaw gloves while getting the job done. For starters, it could lead to a loss of tactile sense. Apart from that, it could cause you to lose your grip while cutting to make a rack. Finally, if your glove is too loose, your blade could grab it while cutting.  Finally, put your tools in a storage where no one will get hurt.

operating table saw

Lastly, position your body out of the blade’s line. That way, when you’re cutting to make a rack, among other things, the dust[1] wouldn’t be getting in your eyes directly.

(Looking for the best table saw for your woodworking projects? You can choose between DWE7491RS and Bosch 4100-10 powerful table saws here)


Table saw projects can be fun and exciting. For beginners out there, it’s even more fun when you see it as something to challenge yourself. In this article, I’ve delved into five essential creative DIYs that I believe are perfect, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional. If you’re up for challenging woodworking projects for leisure or business, you should definitely try these out.

For other related articles, you can also check out the following: 

Quick guide to cut plexiglass with a table saw

robert headshot

Robert Johnson is a passionate furniture maker & carpenter, sought after for his knowledge on the craft.
You’ve probably seen his down-to-earth wisdom in USA Today, Bobvila, Family Handyman, and The Spruce, where he has shared commentary and guidance on various woodworking topics.

Robert is the brain behind Sawinery, where he aims to share tips, tricks, and a passion for all things carpentry.

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