Top 18 DIY Projects for Men — Awesome & Useful Crafts To Try at Home

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Looking for the perfect DIY project? I’ve seen many enthusiasts dive into ambitious tasks only to realize they’re in over their heads. As a seasoned woodworker, I’ve teamed up with fellow experts to curate a list of DIY projects tailored to your skill level. Trust me, you’re in good hands.

Top 18 DIY Projects For Men

1. Wooden House Number Sign

house number sign
Let’s start with an easy idea to make nice gifts for Father’s Day or just decorate your space. A wooden house number sign will make your home stand out on the block, and you will always have fond memories of creating a minor masterpiece. The construction is easy, and there are only a few steps to carry out. The materials are also simple to get your hands on, and you don’t need complicated instructions to complete the project.

2. Bookshelf Chair

If a DIY project isn’t enough for you, you can try to get your hands dirty with a bookshelf chair. So what’s a bookshelf chair? It’s a comfortable chair that doubles as a bookshelf. It’s an awesome idea that may be a bit too complicated for a weekend project, but it will elevate your home decor.

Another nifty project I’ve dabbled in is a DIY PVC organizer cubby, which pairs nicely with various home furnishings. And if you have kids like I do, you’ll know there’s always a need for extra storage space.

3. Coffee Table Pallet

vase and cup of coffee on wooden table

Do you have a lot of leftover wood pieces and pallets from your workshop? Or maybe you can get your hands on whole pallets? Pallets are cool and reliable materials that can create several DIY projects. For example, a coffee table pallet!

If you’re a handy person, many easy tutorial videos are available to help you create this piece of furniture. You can even construct the table to have two different levels for book and magazine storage.

4. Wooden Tool Box

gardening tool box

What’s better than diving into a cool DIY project that has a practical touch for your workshop? As a seasoned contractor, I’ve always loved exploring these kinds of crafts. My latest recommended endeavor? Crafting a wooden toolbox. It’s versatile enough to find a spot in your garage, serve as a dependable carrier for your gardening tools, or even stand out as a thoughtful gift idea!

5. Pallet Rack

pallet rack
Riding on the coattails of the pallet coffee table project, you can also make a pallet rack. Again, you can get the job done quickly without the help of any pictures and complicated tools. DIY projects for men don’t have to be overly complex, and they can be straightforward ideas that can be created by hammering two or more pallets together to create a rack.

6. Baseball Bookends

I fell in love with this idea the first time they came across it. This DIY project involves baseballs, scrap wood, and other tools you already have in your garage or workshop. However, what you will end up with is a project that is unique to you.

Instead of boring wooden or metal bookends to organize your reading material, you will see your books held together by what seems to be a pile of baseballs.

(Searching for a reliable tool to add to your woodshop? Why not check my complete review of Grizzly G0766 wood lathe here

7. Beer Coasters

beer coasters

If DIY categories that are too complicated aren’t up your alley, then cool beer coasters are simple and easy and can also be decorative with some paint. All it takes is a couple of pieces of thin sheets of wood so you can cut out the shape you want for your coasters.

Feel free to experiment with shapes, colors, and designs. Beer coasters can be a fun activity for the whole family and save you money instead of buying your own.

8. Wooden Beverage Crates

wooden crates

Carrying around drinks in the summer can seem precarious, especially if you are toting around multiple beverages simultaneously. However, many guys like to enjoy a cool beverage in the summer, and I have many team members that share that sentiment. So, if this sounds like you, then wooden beverage crates are the next craft design plan.

You can style the crate however you wish, customize it with your favorite colors, and make it into an art piece by putting on some primer and painting different designs.

9. Beverage Tote

wooden beer caddy

Expanding on the theme of beverage transportation, I’ve also toyed with the idea of crafting a beverage tote. Picture this: a compact bag designed to hold one or more drinks for those on-the-move moments. And the best part? It doesn’t demand a lengthy list of materials. Whether you want a family crafting day or a solo weekend endeavor, beverage totes are a hit.

From my woodworking experience, any DIY project that brings both value and convenience to your daily routine is definitely worth the effort.

10. Bike Hanger

shirts hanging and a bicycle mounted on a wooden hanger

A bike hanger is an awesome storage device for your garage or shop. Although it may seem complicated, it’s pretty simple to make if you have the right tools. Of course, you will need more than a simple knife, but it doesn’t involve anything as heavy-duty as concrete.

Hanging your bike on the edge of the wall can sound daunting, but the bike hanger is much stronger than you think. In addition, you can use reclaimed wood, which solves your leftover scrap wood problem, and you can save a lot of money making your storage solution.

11. Garage Tool Shelf

woodworking tools

In my woodworking journey, there’s one recurring challenge I notice among my peers – misplacing our tools. Many of us haven’t found that perfect system to organize our gear inside a toolbox, prompting me to devise a new design. I genuinely believe that a hanging garage tool shelf can be the solution to maintaining a tidy workspace.

I won’t have to waste time rummaging through a cluttered sea of equipment anymore. If you face the same organizational woes, crafting a DIY garage tool shelf might just be the project for you.

12. Floating Corner Table

laptop on a floating corner table

Corners in our homes are often regarded as dead space or an awkward place where nothing quite fits. Many people try to search for tables or shelves with precise measurements to fill the void. This will no longer be the case with a floating corner table. These DIY projects for men allow you to repurpose wood scraps by cutting them to fit into a corner.

A corner table can also become a corner shelf if you make enough levels. You will gain a workstation, a reading table, a storage surface, or anything else you can use a table for with these cool DIY home remaking projects.

13. Tool Roll

If you don’t want to dangle all your tools from hooks, another incredible thought is to make a tool roll. A tool roll consists of multiple pouches that can house your items and roll up for easy storage and transport. You can add unique creative ideas to the tool roll such as zippers, buttons, belt hooks, and more. Unrolling your tool roll and have all the items you need sitting in front of you can save you from having to look through a messy toolbox.

I’m particularly fond of the tool roll concept, especially when thinking about safety. Kids can easily pry open a toolbox, but with a tool roll that you carry along, everyone’s a bit safer.

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14. Wooden Key Hanger

driftwood hanger

Misplacing your keys is a common problem that not only I’ve suffered from. The solution to that is a wooden key hanger. You can also add many unique ideas to this DIY [1] plan, especially if you are arts and crafts savvy. After a long day of bringing home the bacon, remember to hook your keys up and don’t just toss it aside. Now you have a designated place for your keys, thanks for this reliable woodworking projects ideal for starters, as well. 

15. Wooden Door Mat

Ever seen those customizable doormats with personalized slogans or words? I’ve taken that concept a step further with wooden doormats. The possibilities for designs are truly endless—only bound by your imagination. From my experience, I’d recommend etching the designs a bit deeper into the wood; it ensures they stand out, no matter the lighting.

16. Kitchen Step Stool

baby holding a wooden stool

A step stool is one of the most versatile accessories you can have around the home. It can help kids reach higher places and allow you to get to items just out of your reach. They can also double as a stool in a pinch and be used as mobile support for your senior pet.

A step is also an item that can sell quickly if you ever decide to put your DIY designs up for sale.

(Looking for a powertool to add to your shop? Well, I have listed excellent wood lathe here

17. Wooden Glass Holder

glass jars on a wooden tray

Perhaps one of my favorites, the wooden glass holder, is a DIY idea everyone can appreciate and its is a great woodworking projects for couples. It’s best used for wine glasses and champagne flutes, but I say mugs can work as well with a few simple tweaks. Of course, many guys like to enjoy a nice glass of alcohol after a long day of bringing home the bacon, so I understand the need for wine glass organization.

18. Book Compartment

If you have an old book you don’t read anymore or have two copies of the same story, you can use one to make a book compartment. It will include hollowing out the center to make a small area where you can place your trinkets, prized possessions, and accessories.

(To know how woodworking impact different lives, you can also check our page about great benefits of woodworking among couples here


DIY projects aren’t just for individuals—they can be a blast for everyone involved. The truly standout DIY designs are those that enrich our lives, whether by simplifying an activity or decluttering a chaotic space. Drawing from my expertise and collaborations, I’ve brainstormed a range of ideas suitable for all skill levels, ensuring everyone can participate.

robert headshot

Robert Johnson is a passionate furniture maker & carpenter, sought after for his knowledge on the craft.
You’ve probably seen his down-to-earth wisdom in USA Today, Bobvila, Family Handyman, and The Spruce, where he has shared commentary and guidance on various woodworking topics.

Robert is the brain behind Sawinery, where he aims to share tips, tricks, and a passion for all things carpentry.

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